
Thursday, February 19, 2009

CSPAS Conference - Toronto On March 27-29

This is an update on the upcoming CSPAS Symposium to be held in Toronto ON on Friday March 27-29, 2009.     Here is Press Release:
TORONTO, Feb. 13 /CNW/ - The first Canadian International Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) will be held in Toronto at the Toronto Metro Convention Centre from March 27-29, 2009. Speakers from the fields of psychology, family law, and mediation will be making presentations to attorneys and mental health professionals. Parents whose children suffer from this mental health condition are very welcome to attend to conference.
"Parents that abuse children with parental alienation are a danger to our entire society," said Joe Goldberg, Host and Founder of the symposium. "There are literally hundreds of thousands of children who are victims of parental alienation abuse and family law attorneys and mental health professionals are the only ones who can rescue them.  This symposium will provide the information on how to best protect these children."
Participants to this three day symposium will hear such topics discussed as: 'Mediation Strategies in Managing PAS Disputes,' 'Treatment for Alienated Children,' and 'Doing what is Right for the Children, and Knowing When to do it.'   Speakers include: Amy Baker, Ph.D., a prominent psychologist in developmental psychology, Pamela Stuart-Mills Hoch, M.A., and Bob Hoch, M.A. co-founders of the Rachel Foundation for Family Reintegration, and David L. Levy, J.D., a pioneer in the field of children's rights. With over twenty speakers in attendance, everyone will come away with new knowledge about how children are being psychologically abused by a parent, and how it can be prevented.  For more info go to:
I highly recommend it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Amy J. BAKER Lecture - 2007 Dec 27

Lecture about her (then new) book "Breaking the Ties that Bind: Adult children of PAS",  including 10 minutes of "tips for Targeted Parents" at the end of 50 minutes presentation.

The reason for her study was to help answer the questions "Will I ever get them back?", "How can I speed it up?" and "What are the consequences of PAS?".

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"PAS does not exist" says President of Cdn Psychologists Association

CODE RED - Action Alert

Yesterday, Mon Feb 2, 2009 CBC Radio1 broadcast a segment about PAS given the recent blockbuster PAS "deprogramming" decision by Justice Faye MCWATT of Ontario.  The reporter interviewed an anonymous father who's case is still before the courts and got a comment about the challenge of "de-programming" from Dr. Richard WARSHUK - author of "Divorce Poison" who was also speaking at the Ontario Bar Association Conference in Toronto.   However for the CON view he interviewed Dr. Catherine M. LEE, President of the Canadian Psychological Association in Ottawa, ON who claims that "PAS does not exist".  The reporter ends with "the cure may be worse than the disease".  

Please take some time to listen to broadcast clip and contact Dr. LEE (  to tell her what you think of her comment.   Perhaps contacting the other members of the Canadian Psychological Association Board of Directors is also opportune. Here is the link.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Looking for Volunteers - PAAD Alberta = Sat April 25, 2009

Last year, with the help of the Parental Alienation Awareness Organization (PAAO) we held the 1st Parental Alienation Awareness Day (PAAD) Event in Edmonton. Yes, it was a modest affair, cobbled together at the last minute - but I hope others across the province will join us to mark this day with their own event on April 25 2009!

We are looking for volunteers to initiate a PAAD Event in Alberta community's or join one nearby. An event can be as simple or as complicated as you want (and your budget allows - as we have no funding, but we accept contributions). Our objective is to educate the general public about PA but how you do that is up to you.

Last year wasn't fancy. We set-up a display table with a PAAO Banner, various PAS reference, books, replayed some DVD's on the laptop, asked for petition signatures and began handing out (b&w photocopied) PAAO pamphlets at Edmonton City Hall Square (Mayor Mandel declared PAAD Officially) and outside the Legislature on that cold April day. Alot of people welcomed the opportunity to learn about PAS. It is an issue that many struggle to understand.

Since that event we have gathered 47 supporters across the province. They include many targeted parents, some "stranded" grandparents, adult "survivors" of PAS, Second Wives and others. Let's take advantage of recent legal developments in Ontario and media coverage of Alex Baldwin's book to focus attention on PAS and PA behaviours.

By concentrating our message about PAS for ONE DAY GLOBALLY we hope to breach the wall of official indifference about such child abuse. 

To volunteer, please sign-in using this form.   Our success depends on having "slack" resources as  not every community can support an Event.   Since your candour will not be ruthlessly exploited please be generous with your intentions.   We hope to have Event Leaders/ Locations
after Feb 27 and updates will be emailed as required.   Non-Alberta volunteers can check for other Events at

Christopher JONES
Team Leader - Alberta
E albertapaao [at]